Sunday, November 11, 2007

Memory Lane

Well I have been putting it off for a long time but I finally got around to scanning my old pictures. I realize now that it is a huge task but I feel good that I got started and hopefully some day I will have all my photos in a digital format. YEAH

So I wanted to share some of the fun photos that I scanned this weekend.



Chelise was happy to get a baby sister after having Mom all to herself for almost 4 years.

This is prompted by Halloween being just a few weeks ago. We had such simple costumes back then. I'm sure I have more costumes from different years so once I get them scanned I will show them off :)

Here are my Angels!!! Chelise always had auburn hair and yes, Shawnda is a blonde.


Kacie and Cody said...

Hey Colleen

How fun that you have a blog now! I will definately be checking it out. Thanks for emailing me. Hope your doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh mom, did you have to share my mullet pictures? These are cute, but please leave out the mullet stage!!!

Shawnda and Nathan Mills said...

Correction: Shawnda didn't love having an older sister... she loved that her older sister had a MULLET!!!!! haha but honestly could you have not picked a more nasty picture of me with blonde hair? Yes, shawnda had blonde hair and was somewhat of a whale! Thanks mom... now i remember why i am never going blonde again! but thanks for putting the picture of chelise with a mullet... billy ray would be proud!

Anonymous said...

laugh it up sis

Tanya Leigh said...

Way to go Coleen! I wish I could convince MY mom to start a blog. (I'm still in the begging stage) I L.O.V.E. the one of Chelise & baby Shawni - she looks like a little doll next to her big sis :)